Man imiteert personages uit 'Sex and the City'

Dan Clay is helemaal verzot op de serie 'Sex and the City. Zo verzot dat hij de personages begon te imiteren, met hilarische gevolgen.
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De laatste aflevering van de serie mag dan al een hele tijd geleden op het scherm zijn verschenen, het heeft nog niets afgedaan van zijn populariteit. Dat komt mede door mensen als Dan Clay. De man heeft een alter ego: Carrie Dragshaw.

Op Halloween besloot hij het personage gespeeld door Sarah Jessica Parker te imiteren en een foto ervan op sociaalnetwerksite Instagram te zwieren. De gelijkenis was zo treffend dat de post door de fanpagina van de serie en Parker zelf opgepikt werd. Clay kreeg er plots een hele reeks volgers bij.

Sindsdien vult de man zijn dagen met het aantrekken van zoveel mogelijk outfits die Dragshaw in het programma droeg en die op het web te zwieren, met bijpassende quote.

A photo posted by Dan Clay (@dan_clay) on

It can be hard out there for a single girl, but there are a few words that provide instant comfort: “Vogue September Issue,” “2-for-1 Cosmopolitans,” “Manolo Blahnik Sample Sale,” and “Perfect First Date Follow-Up.” PFDFU. It's flirty and funny. Easy, breezy, and cool. He's clearly into it and you're like a pair of purple control top pantyhose: fun and holding it all together. It takes you right back to that perfect first date, when the conversation flowed effortlessly, the spark lit instantly, and the first kiss felt like fate. As you flirt on the phone, you float on a cloud that seems to sparkle from the inside, and for a moment you forget your baggage, you forget your past, you forget how many times you've felt this feeling before but it failed to last...and you smile. I couldn't help but wonder: Maybe love is like a mobile phone. When you have a good connection, you've just got to keep talking and hope for the best. #CarrieDragshaw

A photo posted by Dan Clay (@dan_clay) on

Yesterday I did a guest post for the brilliant queens of @everyoutfitonsatc and I wanted to post it too because 1) it's my favorite scene in the show ?, 2) it's my favorite Carrie caption I've written so far, 3) I made that fu*king bag, and 4) most importantly people have been so nice I wanted to say thank you! You are making this little queen smile huge ?CD? In New York, if you want to know how the other half lives, you head to the Plaza—the hotel where Chanel got tea, Gatsby got mad, Sinatra got applause…and Big got away. As he drove off with his perfectly simple fiancé, I started thinking about My Other Half. What happens to the girls who never find theirs? Was my heart a half-empty hotel, with a “Big Vacancy” sign on the revolving door? I couldn't help but wonder: Did some women need to tone down to settle down? Change their shape to find a match, change their soul to find a mate? Or could it be that life isn't about searching for someone who makes you complete—it's about realizing you already are. And maybe, just maybe, we're born with the love we're meant to find. And if the world says tone it down—turn it up. Because your true other half knows you're already whole. #CarrieDragshaw

A photo posted by Dan Clay (@dan_clay) on